Siamo quelli giusti

"In every adoption there is an implicit violence, as it involves the existence of human beings stripped from birth of their most basic rights. In order to save them from a future of misery and abandonment, a manipulation of the destinies that had been written for them is, in a way, carried out by tearing them away from their natural roots and culture".
Gabriella Modonesi
Social worker - Ticino Adoption
Gabriella Modonesi
Social worker - Ticino Adoption
Written by
Lalitha del Parente
Directed by
Caterina Filograno
Ashai Lombardo Arop
Livio Beshir
Luz Beatriz Lattanzi
Federico Lima Roque
Rosanna Sparapano
Set design
Andrea Ceriani
Davide Onesti
Margherita Platé
Sound design
Tommaso Giacopini
Aide to the director
Jonathan Lazzarini
Alan Alpenfelt
Sustained by:
Repubblica e Cantone Ticino - Fondi Swisslos, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Migros Percento Culturale, City of Lugano, City of Chiasso
A talent show.
Aspiring parents.
An extravagant presenter.
A poised western society that seems to be looking to find children for parents instead of parents for children.
A prize up for grabs: Masho, a child from afar.
Siamo Quelli Giusti is an attempt, one of many, to talk about the pieces that make up the experience of international adoption.
Siamo quelli giusti was written by the Swiss author and musician Lalitha Del Parente in 2021 as part of Luminanza - a “reactor” for contemporary Swiss Italian-language playwriting. An extract from it was presented in the form of a reading at the FIT Festival Lugano (CH), and at the Basel Theatre on the occasion of the jubilee of Stück Labor, a programme dedicated to young playwrights and authors.
Future Events
Territori Festival, Bellinzona
Foce Theatre, Lugano
Past Events
Theatre of Chiasso
Author’s notes
"The experience of adoption will accompany me for the rest of my life".
It was this thought that made me look deeper into the subject. Things around us are constantly changing, the way we write, the way we express ourselves, our beliefs can change from one moment to the next. So it is also with every adoptee's relationship with his or her adoptive history. It changes constantly. Ignore, evolve, bury, improve, destroy, reconsider.
The play brings to the stage the attempt to cross the boundary of what is familiar to us towards an unknown future. The text touches on themes such as cultural identity, integration, the sense of belonging to one's family, one's community.
We are the right ones is inspired by all the fellow adoptees, the parents waiting to adopt that I have met, interviewed and shared my personal story with.
I hope that this text will open up the audience to discussion and encourage them to investigate the many documentaries, books, podcasts and artworks made by people who have experienced transracial adoption as knowing different points of view can only help to understand better.
Lalitha del Parente
"The experience of adoption will accompany me for the rest of my life".
It was this thought that made me look deeper into the subject. Things around us are constantly changing, the way we write, the way we express ourselves, our beliefs can change from one moment to the next. So it is also with every adoptee's relationship with his or her adoptive history. It changes constantly. Ignore, evolve, bury, improve, destroy, reconsider.
The play brings to the stage the attempt to cross the boundary of what is familiar to us towards an unknown future. The text touches on themes such as cultural identity, integration, the sense of belonging to one's family, one's community.
We are the right ones is inspired by all the fellow adoptees, the parents waiting to adopt that I have met, interviewed and shared my personal story with.
I hope that this text will open up the audience to discussion and encourage them to investigate the many documentaries, books, podcasts and artworks made by people who have experienced transracial adoption as knowing different points of view can only help to understand better.
Lalitha del Parente